Advantech WebAccess/SCADA - IIoT Application Software Framework
Advantech WebAccess/SCADA is a browser-based SCADA software package for supervisory control, data acquisition and visualization. It is used to automate complex industrial processes for situations where remote operations are needed. In addition to traditional SCADA functions, WebAccess/SCADA features an HTML5-based intelligent dashboard that enables cross-platform, cross-browser data analysis. WebAccess/SCADA also provides open interfaces for developing IoT applications aimed at various vertical markets as industrial IoT platform, and it also acts as a gateway for collecting data from ground equipment and transferring the data to cloud applications via MQTT publish/subscribe.
Software Architecture

Features Highlight

100% Web-Based Architecture
WebAccess/SCADA is a 100% web-based SCADA software application. As one of Advantech’s core IoT application platforms, it provides a unique environment for development and remote maintenance. All configuration of signals, remote equipment updates, project maintenance, and system monitoring can be done anywhere in the world via a standard web browser.

Support Multiple Protocols and Drivers
WebAccess supports real-time data protocols like OPC, Modbus, BACnet, DDE Server and various database such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access Database. WebAccess also supports over 200 device drivers that connect to Advantech I/O and controllers, plus all major PLCs, controllers and I/O from Siemens, LonWorks, Mitsubishi, Beckhoff, and more.

WebAccess App
WebAccess App is a mobile app for WebAccess/SCADA 8.3 and above based on phones with iOS 10 and Android 5 and above. With Node.js as the underlying data transport layer, data can be immediately transferred to phones. By using the latest WISE-PaaS/Dashboard App together, visualization user experience can be brought to the next level.

Open interface
WebAccess/SCADA offers several types of interfaces, including RESTful API and SignalR, for various application development. With the Web Service interface, users can integrate WebAccess data into customized apps or applications. MQTT SDK allows customers to exchange data to WebAccess/SCADA without further driver development.

Open data connectivity
For integration with third-party software, WebAccess/SCADA supports OPC UA/DA, DDE, Modbus, and BACnet server/client for real-time online data exchanges. Through the ODBC interface, WebAccess/SCADA can store historical data in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access for offline data sharing with MES or ERP systems.

Data to cloud via MQTT
For edge computing applications, WebAccess/SCADA also publishes real-time and historical data to private/ public cloud platforms via MQTT, so customers can use various application extensions in their cloud application scenarios.

WISE-PaaS/Dashboard and WISE-PaaS/SaaS Composer
With the integration of WISE-PaaS/Dashboard cloud version, visualization is brought to a new level. By using the Chromium kernel embedded to the ViewDAQ client, anything you can implement using WISE-PaaS/Dashboard can be viewed together with your existing drawings. Furthermore, WISE-PaaS/SaaS Composer allows customers to display shopfloor status in either 2D or 3D diagrams for clearer more comprehensive overview.

Integrated With Google Maps And GPS Tracking
WebAccess/SCADA integrates real-time data from physical sites with Google Maps and GPS location tracking. Users can easily associate their real-time site data with a marker and label by right-clicking on their Google Maps or entering the coordinates of the target. This function also integrates with GPS modules to track the location of the marker in Google Maps, which allows it to be used in vehicle systems.

Powerful Excel Reports
WebAccess provides Excel compatible reports for self-defined reporting. Users can build custom-defined Excel templates and generate periodic reports on demand. The Excel Report function is also web-based and can be generated and viewed in any web browser wherever, whenever needed.

Real-Time Database and InfluxDB
WebAccess/SCADA Real-Time Database (RTDB) is designed to meet industrial high speed and large quantity data access requirements. Just by enabling RTDB in the WebAccess configuration page, WebAccess SCADA node can serve up data processing at a scale of millions of records per second. Moreover, the RTDB maintenance feature automatically archives and deletes obsolete data. In addition to RTDB, WebAccess/SCADA also empowers historical data functions using InfluxDB, which provides another 40%+ performance over RTDB.

Multi-touch Gesture Support
WebAccess/SCADA supports multi-touch operation and various preset gestures, such as flicks for page turning and zoom in/out, in addition to two-handed operation. This more intuitive handling style maximizes operating safety, increases usability, and reduces training time. Furthermore, WebAccess/SCADA also supports multipoint tap/grab/spread gestures to initiate predefined actions.

Redundant SCADA Nodes, Com Ports, and Devices
Advantech’s WebAccess/SCADA ensures continuous reliable communication with automation equipment. The WebAccess backup node activates when the primary node is down. WebAccess/SCADA device drivers are designed to communicate with backup ports and devices whenever the primary connection is lost and to automatically restore to a primary connection when it becomes available.

Integrated with WebAccess/NMS
WebAccess/NMS is an HTML5-based network device management system that can be easily integrated with a web interface. Additionally, with WebAccess/SCADA graphics, users can examine event logs and monitor the real-time status of network devices in a network topology.