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UWin Resource Regeneration Uses Advantech iEMS to Drive Sustainability and Product Differentiation


In response to the global trend toward net-zero carbon emissions, governments and corporations worldwide are making significant investments in circular economy technologies to achieve sustainability goals. UWin Resource Regeneration Inc., founded in 2022, has quickly emerged as a rising star in this movement. Despite its status as a startup, the company has attracted considerable market attention with its proprietary lithium battery recycling technology. To enhance its service capacity, UWin constructed Taiwan’s first eco-friendly lithium battery recycling and refining plant in Taoyuan. During the plant’s construction, UWin integrated Advantech’s WISE-IoT Intelligent Energy Management Solution (iEMS) for energy management system. This integration not only boosted energy efficiency but also enabled precise carbon footprint calculations, helping customers meet regulatory and ESG requirements while turning sustainability into a competitive branding advantage.

" Advantech’s iEMS provides a complete overview of energy data, enabling UWin Resource Regeneration Inc. to calculate product carbon footprints accurately and effortlessly, boosting market competitiveness. "— Leo Chang, General Manager of UWin Resource Regeneration Inc.
UWin Resource Regeneration

Building a Benchmark Low-Carbon Factory with iEMS

“This refinery employs a unique eco-friendly, low-carbon process to recover valuable metals from discarded lithium batteries, producing electronic-grade lithium carbonate with a purity of up to 99.9%. This can be reused as raw material for lithium battery production,” explained Leo Chang, General Manager at UWin Resource Regeneration Inc. He emphasized that from the outset, the Taoyuan plant was envisioned as a globally benchmarked facility. Therefore, its design has incorporates various sustainability factors, including energy efficiency, compliance with ESG standards, and meeting customer demands for product carbon footprint transparency.

Digitalization played a crucial role in achieving these goals. The company quickly implemented Advantech’s iEMS to ensure transparent energy consumption data, aligning with both customer expectations and UWin's sustainability objectives. Chang emphasized that iEMS is a comprehensive solution certified by third-party organizations for compliance with the ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS). Furthermore, Advantech’s superior service quality, responsiveness, and strong brand recognition provide significant support for UWin’s strategic goal of expanding into overseas markets with fully integrated plant solutions.

Four Key Benefits of Implementing iEMS

Through iEMS’s real-time and comprehensive energy consumption data tracking, UWin has realized four significant benefits for its new facility operations. First, it has achieved precise carbon footprint calculations. Previously, these calculations relied on electricity bills, which only provided an overview of the company’s electricity usage, including power consumed by non-production areas such as offices. This lack of precision led to inflated product carbon emission figures.

Now, with iEMS, data collection accuracy improved by over 40%, enabling precise tracking of energy consumption in production processes. This increased accuracy reduces carbon footprints, boosting both product competitiveness and sustainability. Chang explained that, according to carbon emission coefficients published by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, extracting lithium carbonate from natural resources produces 8.13–15.8 kg of CO₂ equivalent per kilogram. In contrast, UWin's low-carbon lithium battery recycling process emits only 1.48 kg of CO₂ equivalent per kilogram—a reduction of up to 90%.

Second, iEMS helps identify high-energy-consuming equipment and detect abnormal electricity or water usage. For example, a faucet in the factory's rear area was accidentally triggered by a stray cat, causing continuous water flow. Fortunately, iEMS reports detected the anomaly the next day, and surveillance footage pinpointed the cause. This allowed for quick resolution and helps prevent similar incidents from occurring again.

Third, by regularly reviewing energy consumption trends and continually optimizing energy-saving measures and their effectiveness, it is estimated that overall energy consumption can be reduced by 8% to 15%. For instance, the heating system is one of the most energy-consuming pieces of equipment in a production facility. To manage this, UWin repeatedly tests the operating sequence of its heating system and uses iEMS to compare changes in energy consumption, thereby identifying the most energy-efficient practices. Another example involves the ventilation system, which is used to prevent air pollution. When the system was adjusted to meet production line requirements, iEMS data was used to confirm the impact on energy consumption. Ultimately, this adjustment not only increased the exhaust volume but also reduced energy consumption by 75%.

Fourth, enhancing supply chain evaluation and customer trust. Most recycling industries have yet to implement energy management systems, making UWin Resource Regeneration Inc. an early adopter. In the future, during customer visits, the company can remotely connect to the iEMS dashboard to instantly showcase its energy management capabilities. This is estimated to improve overall system efficiency by 30%, making it easier to gain customer trust and brand recognition over competitors. Additionally, the energy consumption data collected by iEMS can assist UWin in conducting supply chain evaluations and verifying the reliability of data provided by other manufacturers.

Following the successful implementation of iEMS, UWin plans to continue advancing ESG development based on this foundation. For instance, the company aims to build green energy generation systems and integrate their power generation into iEMS to calculate carbon emissions and further reduce product carbon footprints. Another initiative involves incorporating iEMS into planning for overseas factory expansion, enabling their headquarters in Taiwan to monitor the energy consumption status of production facilities in different locations, thereby continuously improving energy-conservation outcomes. Chang stated that UWin hopes to leverage its own technological and service advantages, along with the intelligent energy provided by Advantech's iEMS, to capitalize on the wave of green sustainability and expand into global markets.

Basic Information of UWin Resource Regeneration Inc.

  • Established: 2022
  • Industry: Energy industry
  • Headquarters: Taiwan
  • Operations: Recycling valuable metals from lithium batteries to regenerate raw materials for new batteries
  • Company Scale: Multinational corporation

Case Benefits

  1. Accurately calculate product carbon footprints to help customers achieve ESG goals and meet regulatory requirements.
  2. Collect complete energy consumption data of the factory, identify high-energy-consuming equipment, and immediately detect abnormal energy consumption.
  3. Adjust energy-saving measures based on changes in energy consumption trends to continuously improve energy management efficiency.
  4. Real-time presentation of actual energy data in the factory can deepen customer impressions and strengthen trust.

Advantech’s Solution

WISE-IoT iEMS, based on the IoTSuite data platform, is a one-stop solution for corporate carbon asset management, energy management, and energy consumption monitoring of critical equipment. In this case, implementing iEMS has helped the company achieve its long-term sustainability goals.

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