


不毀林承諾 No Deforestation Commitment





 本宣言涵蓋聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs):SDG 7可負擔的潔淨能源、SDG 9產業創新和基礎建設、SDG13 氣候行動、SDG 15保育陸域生態、SDG 17多元夥伴關係。


 1. 遵守自身營運所在地與子公司所在地之森林相關法律和相關強制性標準,以不毀林 (no gross deforestation)為目標,承諾停止或減少與生產、貿易和或銷售的商品相關的所有毀林行為,以促進森林保育。 

 2. 研華在自身營運範疇遵守不毀林承諾,將不毀林承諾納入環境永續政策,以確保監管及實施。並規劃攜手供應商及和合作夥伴遵循不毀林承諾,預計於2023年年底前完成所有供應商及和合作夥伴簽署不毀林承諾。 

 3. 在綠色辦公方面,研華鼓勵無紙化辦公,以強化企業內部紙張減省績效;對於辦公用紙、包材用紙、生活用紙,亦要求使用通過森林管理委員會(FSC)認證的紙類廠商或其它友善森林的紙材、或回收環保紙材及環保油墨印刷。 

 4. 與森林保護相關外部夥伴(如非營利組織、學術機構)進行利害關係人議和、諮詢、促進與執行員工、利害關係人森林保育復育、植樹活動辦理、以研華物聯網專長實踐森林保護專案規劃合作、提供森林保育解決方案、減輕森林濫伐危害等。 

 5. 設定於2025年在全球直接營運據點全面履行不毀林承諾。

 No Deforestation Commitment

Approval Date:April 2023 

 Approval Party: Board of Directors

Sustainable forests are the lungs of the Earth. Advantech pays close attention to the trend of forest conservation and utilizes the advantages of IoT and smart technologies to promote sustainable forestry and create value for the common good of humankind and the Earth. We join hands with stakeholders to address climate change and enhance governance and supervision through the power of enterprises.   This pledge covers the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 13 Climate Action, SDG 15 Life on Land, and SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals.   

 Our Commitment: 

 1.          Comply with the local forestry laws and relevant mandatory standards of the countries where our direct sites and subsidiaries operate, aiming to prevent gross deforestation. We are committed to stopping or reducing all deforestation-linked production, trade, and sales of commodities to promote forest conservation. 

 2.          Advantech abides by the Zero-deforestation Pledge within our business operations and incorporates it into our environmental sustainability policy to ensure supervision and implementation. We plan to collaborate with suppliers and partners to follow the Zero-deforestation Pledge. We expect all suppliers and partners to sign the Zero-deforestation Pledge before the end of 2023. 

 3.          In terms of green and sustainable office practices, Advantech encourages a paperless office to enhance internal paper reduction efforts. For office paper, packaging paper, and household paper, we require the use of paper manufacturers certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), forest-friendly paper, or recycled environmentally friendly paper with environmentally friendly ink printing. 

 4.          Engage in stakeholder discussions, consultations, promotions, and execution of forest conservation and restoration activities. Collaborate with external partners such as non-profit organizations and academic institutions to involve employees and stakeholders in tree planting and forest protection initiatives. Utilize Advantech's IoT expertise to facilitate forest conservation project cooperation with partners, providing forest conservation solutions and mitigating deforestation hazards. 

 5.          Aim to fully accomplish the Zero-deforestation Pledge at all direct operation sites globally by 2025.