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Isolated USB Adapter Protects HVAC Field Service Technician Laptops



Field-servicing today’s HVAC systems typically requires a laptop to connect to the system’s RS-485 network. But, today’s laptops often utilize USB-only  connectivity as their serial port. Additionally, when servicing HVAC equipment, the environment is often hostile to modern electronic devices and ports such as laptops with USB. This puts expensive computers at risk. Add to that, the associated loss of the service technician’s time and productivity.


Isolated USB to RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 industrial USB adapters from Advantech provide easy and safe communication conversions between a technician’s laptop and the HVAC system’s serial network. Optical isolation provides a reliable connection, protecting the computer equipment from stray electrical noise and spikes, thereby eliminating burned out USB ports and defective laptops. USB converters, with a compact, easy-to-use form factor, aid the service technician’s productivity by protecting all equipment involved.

Why Advantech

Advantech has been an expert designer and manufacturer of industrial data communication devices. Advantech offers a wide range of USB to RS-232/422/485 Serial Protocol Converters. Choose from industrial isolated, non-isolated, miniature form factors and DIN mount. Additional features include high-retention USB ports, locked serial numbers, UL approvals. Customization engineering services are also available.

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