


Require CRT_only BIOS

2007-10-22 Compatibility Document No.1-0000402

Related Product:


  • Require CRT_only BIOS

    I.CRT-only BIOS for PCM-5862E

    For V1.10 BIOS as attached file

    II.The procedure of making CRT-only BIOS( for all award BIOS on our product )

    1.Extract the VGA BIOS

    We like to provide you a way to extract the VGA BIOS out in older
    to modify the display type of CRT-only mode.
    The following is the procedure you need to do:

    a).First,get current BIOS file from your PCM-5862E on board.
    Boot your PCM-5862E with MS-DOS 6.22 then run the attached
    awdflash.exe.Type in "X.bin" which you give the assumed file
    name to let the program go on.
    When it ask you "Do you want to save BIOS",type "Y" and give a
    file name as "5862e.bin" to get the existing configuration BIOS.
    Notice!!Don't program your BIOS.
    When it ask you "Are you sure to program",then type no.
    "X" could be any letter or number whatever you like

    Also you can get the BIOS file from our website on or
    for simple way.

    b).To extract VGA BIOS from PCM-5862E BIOS,use the attached
    cbrom.exe as following:

    CBROM BIOSname(5862VXX.bin) /vga extract

    When it ask you enter an extract file name,give a VGA data
    file name as "crt.dat"

    2.Modify the VGA BIOS for CRT-only display
    a).After you get the VGA data file,use the attached bmp32K50.exe
    to modify the VGA BIOS for CRT-only display mode as following:

    bmp32k50 VGAfilename(crt.dat)

    b).Change Boot up Display Type as Boot on CRT
    c).save file

    Note:BMP32k50.exe is used to modify CHIPS 65550 32K bytes BIOS.
    To modiy 44K bytes VGA please use bmp44K50.exe

    3.Combine the CRT-only VGA BIOS into system BIOS

    a).Rename 5862e.bin as another file name, such as 5862ecrt.bin to
    avoid being overwritten,before you combine VGA BI












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