


Firmware for WISE-4610 Series

2022-12-01 Firmware Document No.1-3873143791

Related Product:


  • WISE-4610-EA

    Note: If the firmware of 1.14x needs to be upgraded to version 2.XX, it must be upgraded to 2.00B01 first.

    Release Note:

    1. When using OTAA, make Class C devices keep joining till receiving join accept.
    2. Set OTAA as the default activation mode.
    3. Enable EU868 duty cycle.
    4. Fix when waiting Join Accept, receiving one packet would cause OTAA to stop.
    5. Support the downlink command to configure the class type.
    6. Increase ADR_ACK_DELAY from 2 to 5 to slow down the ADR data rate switching.
    7. Fix the system log bug that it might write over the valid memory area to cause the system to crash.
    8. Provide the I/O data log function.
    9. Add the State Of Health of battery in URL /gen_status/slot_0 with JSON tag 'HVal'.
    10. Support system log (store up to 49152 logs).



  • WISE-4610-JA

    Note: If the firmware of 1.14x needs to be upgraded to version 2.XX, it must be upgraded to 2.00B01 first.

    Release Note:

    1. When using OTAA, make Class C devices keep joining till receiving join accept.
    2. Set OTAA as the default activation mode.
    3. Enable EU868 duty cycle.
    4. Fix when waiting Join Accept, receiving one packet would cause OTAA to stop.
    5. Support the downlink command to configure the class type.
    6. Increase ADR_ACK_DELAY from 2 to 5 to slow down the ADR data rate switching.
    7. Fix the system log bug that it might write over the valid memory area to cause the system to crash.
    8. Provide the I/O data log function.
    9. Add the State Of Health of battery in URL /gen_status/slot_0 with JSON tag 'HVal'.
    10. Support system log (store up to 49152 logs).



  • WISE-4610-KA

    Note: If the firmware of 1.14x needs to be upgraded to version 2.XX, it must be upgraded to 2.00B01 first.

    Release Note:

    1. When using OTAA, make Class C devices keep joining till receiving join accept.
    2. Set OTAA as the default activation mode.
    3. Enable EU868 duty cycle.
    4. Fix when waiting Join Accept, receiving one packet would cause OTAA to stop.
    5. Support the downlink command to configure the class type.
    6. Increase ADR_ACK_DELAY from 2 to 5 to slow down the ADR data rate switching.
    7. Fix the system log bug that it might write over the valid memory area to cause the system to crash.
    8. Provide the I/O data log function.
    9. Add the State Of Health of battery in URL /gen_status/slot_0 with JSON tag 'HVal'.
    10. Support system log (store up to 49152 logs).



  • WISE-4610-NA

    Note: If the firmware of 1.14x needs to be upgraded to version 2.XX, it must be upgraded to 2.00B01 first.

    Release Note:

    1. When using OTAA, make Class C devices keep joining till receiving join accept.
    2. Set OTAA as the default activation mode.
    3. Enable EU868 duty cycle.
    4. Fix when waiting Join Accept, receiving one packet would cause OTAA to stop.
    5. Support the downlink command to configure the class type.
    6. Increase ADR_ACK_DELAY from 2 to 5 to slow down the ADR data rate switching.
    7. Fix the system log bug that it might write over the valid memory area to cause the system to crash.
    8. Provide the I/O data log function.
    9. Add the State Of Health of battery in URL /gen_status/slot_0 with JSON tag 'HVal'.
    10. Support system log (store up to 49152 logs).



  • WISE-4610-TA

    Note: If the firmware of 1.14x needs to be upgraded to version 2.XX, it must be upgraded to 2.00B01 first.

    Release Note:

    1. When using OTAA, make Class C devices keep joining till receiving join accept.
    2. Set OTAA as the default activation mode.
    3. Enable EU868 duty cycle.
    4. Fix when waiting Join Accept, receiving one packet would cause OTAA to stop.
    5. Support the downlink command to configure the class type.
    6. Increase ADR_ACK_DELAY from 2 to 5 to slow down the ADR data rate switching.
    7. Fix the system log bug that it might write over the valid memory area to cause the system to crash.
    8. Provide the I/O data log function.
    9. Add the State Of Health of battery in URL /gen_status/slot_0 with JSON tag 'HVal'.
    10. Support system log (store up to 49152 logs).



  • WISE-4610-ZA

    Note: If the firmware of 1.14x needs to be upgraded to version 2.XX, it must be upgraded to 2.00B01 first.

    Release Note:

    1. When using OTAA, make Class C devices keep joining till receiving join accept.
    2. Set OTAA as the default activation mode.
    3. Enable EU868 duty cycle.
    4. Fix when waiting Join Accept, receiving one packet would cause OTAA to stop.
    5. Support the downlink command to configure the class type.
    6. Increase ADR_ACK_DELAY from 2 to 5 to slow down the ADR data rate switching.
    7. Fix the system log bug that it might write over the valid memory area to cause the system to crash.
    8. Provide the I/O data log function.
    9. Add the State Of Health of battery in URL /gen_status/slot_0 with JSON tag 'HVal'.
    10. Support system log (store up to 49152 logs).



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