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Security Advisories

Advantech maintains a comprehensive vulnerability management process. Our security experts rigorously assess potential threats to our products and provide timely and transparent advisories to our customers. These advisories offer clear guidance and resources to help mitigate risks and maintain the security of your deployments.

Recently Advisories

Advisory ID Document Title Affected Products Last Updated
AQIRT-241201 Vulnerabilities Identified in EKI-6333AC-2G/ EKI-6333AC2GD/ EKI-6333AC-1GP
  • EKI-6333AC-2G
  • EKI-6333AC-2GD
  • EKI-6333AC-1GPO

Advisory ID:AQIRT-241201

Vulnerabilities Identified in EKI-6333AC-2G/ EKI-6333AC2GD/ EKI-6333AC-1GP

Affected Products:

  • EKI-6333AC-2G
  • EKI-6333AC-2GD
  • EKI-6333AC-1GPO

Last Updated:2024/11/25

Report a Potential Vulnerability

Your Security Expertise Matters. We appreciate your help in making our products more secure. We encourage security researchers, partners, and customers to report potential vulnerabilities to our security team.

To report a vulnerability, please submit a detailed report via email to, including information such as:

  • Affected product and firmware version
  • Description of the vulnerability
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability

We will investigate all reported vulnerabilities and take appropriate action. Thank you for your contribution to the security of our products and our customers.

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