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High-performance Rugged In-vehicle Edge Computers | DLT-V73 Series
Looking for high-performance, durable in-vehicle edge computers? The DLT-V73 series is designed for industrial edge computing, featuring an ultra-rugged system build to withstand extreme environments.
DLT-V73 with Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024
The DLT-V73 Series of rugged VMT now supports Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 to further enhance the end-user experience and to improve security.
Built Unbreakable: Advantech Heavy Duty Machinery Solutions
Built for the toughest challenges, our rugged, intelligent, and efficient solutions redefine performance in mining. Featuring modular designs, exceptional durability, and unmatched operational stability.
New DLT-V73A with Google AER and GMS Certified for Android 12
Advantech is pleased to announce the new DLT-V73A series. DLT-V73A series devices are Arm-based, industrial grade vehicle mounted terminals (VMTs) with Android 12 and Google GMS & AER certifications.
LEO-S Environment Sensing & Cold Chain Solutions
LEO-S592 & LEO-S55
TREK-20 Qualcomm Android Compact Rugged Computing Platform
Introducing TREK-20: the first TREK Android Rugged Computing Platform Engineered with a rugged design, MIL-STD-810G shock/vibration certifications, IP67 rating, and an easily configurable Android platform, the TREK-20 is the perfect fit for demanding industrial applications.