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Advantech Institute


We provide essential courses, an introduction to workplace rules, and the ACE Camp (Advantech Culture Experience) to help you quickly integrate into our team and culture.

General Training

Aligned with our core strategies, we offer courses designed to enhance skills, foster collaboration, nurture corporate culture, and support career growth.

Professional Training

We create tailored learning paths and continuously update our materials to enhance professional skills and knowledge, thereby strengthening expertise in specific fields.

Management Training

For various management levels, we design programs to enhance leadership and management skills, promote teamwork, and support company growth.


Advantech's new employee orientation includes online courses and ACE Camp.

Online Courses

Online Courses

These cover an overview of our business model and company regulations, including Advantech's values and mission, information security, environmental safety, accounting guidelines, brand marketing, contract management, and other relevant trainings.

Image name

ACE Camp (Advantech Culture Experience)

This provides newcomers with a deeper understanding of Advantech's business philosophy and industry trends through team-building activities, campus tours, and career-sharing sessions with executives.

General & Professional Training

General courses are divided into three categories: core, strategic, and work skills, providing guidelines for various aspects of work.


Core and Strategic Courses

These focus on the company's development strategy and current business model, ensuring that every employee understands our goals and directions.

Work Skills Course

These offer practical skills enhancement training for employees.


Professional Courses

Professional Courses are designed for different functions. These courses allow colleagues to deepen their knowledge and stay updated with new technologies.

Management Training

Management Skill Program

Advantech Institute offers a series of management courses for junior, intermediate, and senior managers. Topics include interview skills, labor laws, team management, performance management, and strategic leadership, providing comprehensive management and leadership training.

APEX Program

Advantech Institute offers a series of management courses for junior, intermediate, and senior managers. Topics include interview skills, labor lawsThe Advantech People of Excellence (APEX) Program promotes "Advantech core competencies" for knowledge exchange and "Advantech practical issues" for discussion and case study.

The program is conducted in either Chinese or English, inviting colleagues from various business groups and units to interact in groups, with senior leaders serving as mentors. As lecturers, senior executives, board members, functional leaders, and external consultants will provide courses and share their experiences. team management, performance management, and strategic leadership, providing comprehensive management and leadership training.

Study Workshop

Participants in the study workshop have designated reading themes and materials each month. Senior executives share relevant management experiences, and interactive discussions among group members foster learning and better problem-solving strategies for difficult situations.

Contact Advantech


Contact Advantech

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