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Advantech BitFlow
Your Frame Grabber Specialist

Advantech's Advance Computer Vision Department dedicated to high-end image acquisition and AI machine vision technology


Why Choose Advantech 

  • Versatility
    Our frame grabbers are compatible with almost every camera manufactured.
  • Diversity

    With complementary high-end visual inspection product lines and enable more efficient GPU computing and AI vision applications.

  • Compatibility
    Our SDK provides a powerful way to get images into your application.


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Empowering Manufacturing Excellence: Leveraging Vision Technology with AI AOI for Competitive Advantage

The evolution of advanced AI computer vision has seen more and more AI technologies getting implemented into niche field applications. Especially in the field of visual inspection for product quality control, which heavily relied on human inspection, but nowadays is mostly done by AI-assisted visual inspection. Thus, the automated inspection process is now more accurate and precise, which reduces labor costs and improves production yields.

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원활한 서비스를 위해, 이용 약관개인정보취급방침 에 동의하여 주십시오.