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Compact Display Kit Simplifies AMR Operation



To address the challenges of manual warehouse labor, Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are engineered to perform a variety of tasks, from complex order picking to moving pallets and large payloads. This not only improves workforce productivity but also enhances safety

Project Requirements

AMRs for this project need to be easily controlled and operated via a touch display kit. The display requires clear and comprehensive instructions including a user manual and settings guide, as well as simple operation through an interactive touch screen. A tempered glass cover is of great benefit to minimize the risk of injuries from broken glass. Additionally, the touch screen has to be sensitive enough to provide easy, seamless, and efficient operation in a wide variety of industrial settings.

System Description

Advantech’s IDK-1107WP touch display kit features a 7-inch screen with an 800x480 resolution and P-cap touch. Its compact size is ideal for AMR systems. The robust projective touch screen supports operation with rubber gloves, ensuring smooth performance in factory environments. Additionally, the display’s LVDS interface allows direct connection to a computer system, saving space and simplifying AMR integration.



As factories find ways to increase efficiency, more AMRs can be connected to touch display kits, offering more convenient and interactive operation. As functionality continues to expand, an optimal display solution should provide wide viewing angles for diverse viewing scenarios. Advantech offers a comprehensive range of display solutions and features to meet various requirements. The compact, bezel-less IDK-1107W touch display kit, is designed to be an ideal control interface for AMRs.

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