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초저지연 라이브 비디오 전송


초저지연 라이브 비디오 전송

Live video has long been essential to broadcasters of sports events and news interviews. Over the years, a continuous demand for high-resolution, low-latency video, and audio transmission has been established.

Most low-latency solutions on the market offer video resolutions of standard HD or lower. And while the newer FHD technology is available, transmission delay has commonly been up to several seconds, and there have been few options for customers to choose from.

For such scenarios, Advantech provides hardware that can handle resolutions up to UHD 4:2:2/4:2:0 10-bit, Glass-to-Glass complete IP image compression transmission and reception restoration with less than 0.2-second latency. It also includes various standard video transmission protocols and can be connected to video streaming and editing platforms such as Amazon or Azure. This shortens on-site installation time and streamlines video output during emergency situations.  This also allows viewers to receive information earlier than with other technologies,  thereby improving the viewer experience. Furthermore, these improvements lead to viewers giving better ratings for the content.

Table Of Content

  • Introduction
  • Advantages of IP over Satellite Technology
  • Customer Expectations
  • Solutions
  • The Advantages of Using Advantech Products
  • Winning Strategies
  • Benifits

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