


2023 Sector Drive High-Potential Talent Trainee Program


Advantech's 2023 Sector Driven Hi-Po Talent Trainee Program

In a rapidly advancing technological landscape, Advantech AIntercon has launched the "2023 Sector Driven Hi-Po Talent Trainee Program." This pioneering initiative targets high-potential talents from the AIntercon region, which includes Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. 

Diverging from traditional training, the program offers specialized training tailored to the unique requirements and challenges of specific sectors. A notable feature is the Management Leap Camp & Innovative Elite Workout, aimed at fostering leadership and innovation. This hands-on approach pushes trainees to confront real-world scenarios, challenging their capabilities. 

 Advantech's dedication to talent development is highlighted through the establishment of the Talent Development Strategy Department. This entity focuses on a holistic employee growth model, from recruitment to retention. The 360° Comprehensive Employee Training Program is another testament to Advantech's commitment, ensuring trainees understand the broader company operations, ethos, and vision. 

The program champions cross-regional learning, promoting interactions with different business units. Trainees immerse in Advantech’s culture, engaging with executives and gaining a global business perspective. Recognizing and rewarding excellence is also paramount in this program. The core ethos is a shift from a product-centric approach to solution-driven thinking. By training at the Taiwan headquarters, talents gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's strategic vision. 

 In summary, the "2023 Sector Driven Hi-Po Talent Trainee Program" is Advantech's strategic move to mold future leaders. This program, with its focus on specialized training and global leadership, positions Advantech at the forefront of talent development in an increasingly complex business environment.
